So, they did give me another calling which will be a big transition. They called me as second councelor in the primary! AHHHH!! I am so nervouse! Don't get me wrong I love kids but I have no experience I am the youngest in my family and I have been with my nieces and nephews but I am not very good at being around kids. And you know what?! I am sure Heavenly Father gave me this calling for a reason! In fact I know he did! Because he knows how scared I am to be a mother and how I don't know how to be around kids. I know this calling will prepare me to be a mother. It was funny when I told Jason because the first thing he said with his face lite up he said "you going to be prepared to be a mother!" LOL. I laugh about it all the time because I thought it was so cute! He is so great with kids! I think he would rather be in primary then YM's haha. I am excited to be in primary and be able to teach the kids about the gospel. I have been saying that this is a bittersweet feeling for the past few weeks. And I know that I was called to be in young womens for a reason and I know that I am called to be in primary for a reason. Heavenly Father does look out for us!
P.S. Is anyone in primary? If so any advise??
Hi Ronda. I'm sure you'll do just fine in the primary with your cheerfulness and energy! Sorry I don't have any exacter advice.
Hey Congrats! I've served in Primary and I loved it! Good Luck. And yes this definately helps you develop patience with little ones!
Congrats on the new calling. Primary is so much fun. Wow, this made me realize that I've been in primary for 2 years (chorister and now pianist). I don't have any profound advise but maybe we can talk a little about it next time I see you. Have a great week!
primary is the best calling I ever had =D I taught 4-5 year olds' for 2 years. it was great!
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