Friday, September 26, 2008


I am....a wife to a wonderful husband
I think...I can do better at jogging everyday.
I know....The church is TRUE!
I want....A new car, and start a family SOON!
I have....the best in- laws ever
I dislike....Rude and snobby people.
I miss....My Jason, he's been working overtime ALOT!! I swear I have only seen him a total of 1 hour this whole week.
I fear....Of being alone.
I feel.... anxious.
I hear....The dentist drilling on someone's teeth.
I smell... A dentist office
I crave.... Food
I cry.... Probably once or twice a week
I search... the internet way too much!
I wonder... about my future
I regret...eating McDonald's.. BLAH!!
I wish....I was in Disneyland
I love....laughing and being with my husband
I care....about my health
I always....give Jason a welcome home hug and a kiss
I worry...about the economy these days.
I am not...going to Disneyland anytime soon.
I wedding day.. it was so perfect.
I believe... that I will be a mother some day
I myself all the time, in the car or when I am home alone. Sometimes I sing make up songs to Jason.
I don't always....put my clothes away.
I write....everything in my day planner other wise I will forget and write a to do list but never follow.
I win...nothing.. haha I am horrible at arguments.. BUT I did find out I won a free pampering and $40 gift card to Mary Kay.
I mind once in a great while.
I the music that is on in the office.
I don't people can be so mean and not care about how they hurt people.
I can usually be work, home, or out jogging
I need.... to clean my house, wash and vaccum my car.
I forget.... where I put things.
I am happy....when my dog does silly things, going on dates with Jason, being with my young women and they are happy with what we are doing, and being with Jason.


1 comment:

Ma Heather and Pa Craig said...

I learned alot about you from this tag. That's great to hear that you want a family SOON! Craig and I are thinking about it (I need to find out what's wrong with me first though). I'm going to do this tag once I get some time. Talk to you soon.